Digital Wealth Group

Key Takeaways from Episode 001: Create Your Master Vision Part 1

Key Takeaways from Episode 001: Create Your Master Vision Part 1

Wow! What a response to our first Seeds of Greatness Project webinar last night! It was wonderful to connect with the SOG community and talk about the importance of creating a Master Vision.

Many of the concepts we discussed last night can be applied to our crypto investment journey, so I thought I’d share them with you over the next two emails so you can reflect and take what resonates. We dive deep into mindset and expansion over at SOG, so if that interests you or anyone you know, feel free to join our community HERE.

But first….

What is a Master Vision, and why should we focus on it?
In simple terms, our Master Vision is our grand plan for what happens in our lives. Think of it as your personal roadmap for navigating the Game Of Life.
I talk about it more in this BLOG.

An important part of any Master Vision is understanding that we choose our timeline.

What does this mean? It means we create our lives on OUR terms, and no one else’s.

You see, we’re all powerful creators with infinite possibilities available to us, we’re just never taught about it. Our societal and cultural programming separates us from this truth to the point where our power, authority and ability to author our reality becomes weakened. We end up moving through life believing that things just happen to us and we have no control.

But the truth?

We can create and craft our reality much more than we ever imagined.

Here are some key concepts around timelines to help you reconnect to your power and craft YOUR reality:

  1. Choosing your timeline is all about free will
    Free will is something we all have and it’s through our will that we create and take ownership over our reality. If we don’t apply our will to our desires and aspirations, we’re essentially taking a backseat in our own lives. And none of us want that.
  2. We affirm our timeline constantly
    The stories we tell ourselves affirm our reality, and crypto is a great example of this. We can align to the FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) timeline by panic-selling at the bottom of market cycles, or we can hold strong until it inevitably cycles up again because that’s the timeline we envision for ourselves.
    So if you find yourself saying ‘Oh I have such bad luck, I never make money’ be careful of the timeline you’re choosing. Remember, we can take the reigns and make a stronger choice.
  3. Timelines change, and that’s okay
    If we don’t like the timeline we’re on, we have the permission and the power to shift ourselves to another one. Yes, we really are that powerful! We can reauthor our reality with focused intention, will and belief. (We’re indoctrinated to think we can’t do this, but we absolutely can).

Stay tuned for the second part of this email, where I cover 3 more key concepts on timelines, including how EVERYTHING in life is an offer (even the things we may not consider….).

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