Digital Wealth Group
  • August 30, 2023
  • News

A Key Part of Building Wealth That May Surprise You

A Key Part of Building Wealth That May Surprise You

You’ve no doubt heard me mention the Wall Street Cheat Sheet before, which charts the unavoidable ups and downs of the investment cycle (and the accompanying emotional journey of investors!).


Savvy investors know that success in the market comes down to 3 things:


Managing emotions
Not being pulled into fear-based narratives (being a contrarian, essentially).

When many people are angry, depressed and in despair about their investments, savvy investors are rubbing their hands together and buying up a storm. It may feel counterintuitive, but this is how many millionaires have been made.


But there’s another key part of financial wealth that has nothing to do with financial markets at all.


It has to do with self-worth.


I firmly believe that wealth, like most things in life, is heavily affected by our mindset. So when we can challenge deeply entrenched habits and beliefs, we can unlock our wealth potential and take it to all new levels.

If you’ve never thought about how your self-worth correlates to your financial worth, I recommend you give it some thought. Deconstructing the framework behind your self-worth is an interesting and enlightening exercise, particularly if you’re ready to step away from limitations and restrictions (as many crypto investors are!).


We all know what the mainstream media are saying about crypto, but we don’t have to live in servitude to those narratives. We can be contrarians, work on our mindset and our self-worth and magnetise the wealth to us


Next week I’ll be hosting a free Masterclass over on the Seeds of Greatness Project that dives into the correlation between financial worth and self-worth.


I’d recommend this webinar for people who wish to fully prepare themselves for the upcoming bull market. After all, wouldn’t we want to grow our mindset and self-awareness whilst growing and managing our crypto portfolio?


Link to subscribe below, I’d love to see you there.

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