Digital Wealth Group

Why You Should Never Take A Photo Of Your Seed Phrase!

Why You Should Never Take A Photo Of Your Seed Phrase!

If you’ve heard me say it once, you’ve heard me say it a thousand times!

Always have your crypto in a wallet you control, where YOU own the private keys.

If you’re new to crypto, when I use the term ‘keys’, I simply mean your seed phrase. It’s a list of either 12 or 24 unrelated words that are automatically generated when you set up your own wallet. This phrase acts as the master key to your crypto accounts, so it’s vital to protect it at all times and keep it safe.

Today I’ll be sharing 3 tips for how to do just that!

  1. Never take a photo of your keys.
    You know those free apps we download to our phones and use constantly? Unfortunately, some of them carry malware that trawls our camera roll searching for photos of listed words. I know! Extreme. But I’ve heard of people who have had their wallets drained in this way.While this is alarming, it’s also easily avoided by never taking a photo of your keys!
  2. Store them offline.
    It’s best to keep your seed phrase away from the internet, email, or any technology altogether. Write it on a piece of paper or cardboard, then laminate it and store it in a waterproof bag or fireproof safe.But if you want the ultimate level of protection – let me introduce you to Seed Vaults. These are indestructible, high-quality steel plates that you punch your seed phrase into. You can get them here: Bradshaw Knox SeedVault
  3. Test your seed phrase.
    The software that came with your Ledger or Trezor wallet will have a function that allows you to check your seed phrase. My advice is to use it! In fact, it’s good practice to do this semi-regularly.

Finally, think of your keys and your crypto just like you would physical cash. You probably wouldn’t leave $10,000 lying about in the junk drawer in your house, you’d take the time to put it somewhere safe. Do the same with your crypto.

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