More women are entering the cryptocurrency market than ever before. Unlike other investment opportunities such as stocks or property, there are no gatekeepers, nor does it require massive startup capital. It is an accessible opportunity, allowing women to take control of their financial futures. But that’s only the beginning of why cryptocurrencies appeal to women over trading stocks.
Women are turning to cryptocurrencies over trading stocks for many reasons, including:
Stocks and many other traditional investment opportunities have barriers that can exclude women from reaching their financial goals. But cryptocurrencies are new for everyone, with the doors wide open. Moreover, the education required to learn about crypto is accessible, only requiring an internet connection, and of course, we’re always here to help. Thus, crypto is an excellent way for women to reach financial freedom.
Women are entering the crypto market more than ever before, choosing to invest in cutting-edge technology rather than trade stocks. There are many reasons women are finding cryptocurrency the more attractive option, but we’ve rounded up our top twelve.
Crypto doesn’t have the barriers that come with trading in the stock market. With crypto, you don’t need to go through a broker or a bank manager but can run your finances with a tap of the button. Thus, while we can offer you valuable tools and information to make cryptocurrency easier than ever before, the ultimate boss is you. You are your own bank.
Crypto is an investment where you are looking to the future to create wealth. Trading is like playing a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, where you can’t take your eye off the moving numbers. Trading often demands a lifestyle that allows complete focus, while somebody else worries about day jobs, school runs, and checking in on elderly parents.
The majority of women are multi-taskers who juggle a plethora of commitments. If their focus is absorbed by one of the commitment balls, the others will fall. Crypto is set up to be part of life, not take it over.
Crypto is a low-time commitment investment once you’ve got your initial setup in place. But once you’ve got the foundation ready, including choosing your cryptocurrency exchange and how best to look after your wallets, the time commitment drastically reduces.
Many moms are big names in the cryptocurrency world, such as Tavonia Evans and Wendy O. These women have incredibly busy lives, but crypto blends into their schedules rather than take over it. But even women without little tykes are still stretched as they meet their career goals and commitments. Again, this is what makes crypto such an attractive financial choice: it slips into your life rather than overwhelm it.
Cryptocurrencies are changing how we save for our children’s futures and how we can teach our children about investments. For example, parents can now set up custodial accounts for their children, ensuring the money will go to the kids, but the managing is done or overseen by the parents.There are also cryptocurrencies out there that make good starters for children interested in trying to dip their toes into the market with their pocket money. These include stablecoins which are pegged to another currency, such as the US dollar.
No bell tolls for the cryptocurrency market. If your busy life means you only have a free moment to yourself at 2 am, you can still do whatever you need to do with your crypto investments. It is the market that is there for you rather than you having to be there for it.
Unlike working with banks, crypto has no monthly or recurring fees. There are often transaction fees, but that is it. So if you are leaving your investment to mature for the future, nobody is taking a slice each month as you wait. Thus, your money is working to increase your wealth, not a wealthy banker’s.
Once you have your cryptocurrency setup in place, it is easy to maintain. Unlike property, where to flip it, you need to hire people or roll up your sleeves; cryptocurrency works for you over the long term. Nor do you have the hassle of being a landlord chasing rents and having to make roof and plumbing repairs.
Unlike many investments, crypto carries a greater potential upside than the opposite. This is partly due to being so new and small. But it is also due to their limited amount. You can’t keep “printing” cryptocurrency. A finite amount of a cryptocurrency cushions them against problems that occur in fiat currencies, which are plagued by inflation and interest rates that drop to near zero.
Thus, not only are cryptocurrencies full of young potential, but it is nearly impossible for them to drop to 0 by the sheer fact their numbers are limited. You can’t print more off a press; they’re algorithmic, based on mathematics, not a government’s whim.
Cryptocurrency is cutting edge, changing how we think about money and transactions. Moreover, it is getting on board with a system that’s acceptance is growing and will become normalized in the years to come.
Cryptocurrency is building communities where people are coming together to learn more about this technology and investment opportunity. Meetups and conferences also provide a fantastic way to meet new people and build a network. While crypto is a decentralized system, it is also community-based, where people have come together to build new opportunities free of the gatekeepers.
Cryptocurrency is yours, and you can share it with whomever you like, transferring it from your wallet to theirs. It’s an exciting way to send a gift or support a cause you care about without liquidating an investment first.
Women have busy lives that can make trading stocks difficult. However, investing in cryptocurrency blends into a women’s hectic schedule. It requires minimal maintenance and is available to access 24/7. Plus, there is no monthly fee, ensuring that your investment focuses on increasing your wealth, not a bank’s.
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