Digital Wealth Group

Why PulseChain Is The Next Crypto Gamechanger! [Part 3]

Why PulseChain Is The Next Crypto Gamechanger! [Part 3]

Welcome to the final email in our 3-part PulseChain series!

Today, I’m going to be deep-diving in HEX, its relationship with PulseChain and what we can reasonably expect it to do.

Let’s go!

The Basics: What Is HEX? 

HEX is a cryptocurrency that was launched in 2019 by Richard Heart, the creator of PulseChain. HEX is designed to be a high-interest savings account, kind of like a term deposit where you stake your HEX (lock it away) for a period of time to earn high interest. The longer the staking term (from 1 year to 15 years), the bigger the rewards. You can read all about it here

While PulseChain will support many projects when it launches, HEX is particularly special.

Why is that? 

Because PulseChain was literally BUILT for HEX.

You know those high gas fees that Ethereum is known for? Well, they can eat into the interest that HEX stakers earn by locking their HEX up in the first place. This has been a point of frustration for HEX stakers, with some being put off staking by these high fees. PulseChain not only eradicates this problem, it opens the door to short-term and micro stakes (small $ value) that have previously been unavailable to investors.

This. Is. Huge.

There is already a built-in, highly motivated group of HEX users who are eagerly waiting for PulseChain to come to market. In fact, it’s safe to say, HEX will be one of the top performers on the PulseChain network.

Does this mean you should go out and buy a bunch of HEX now to get the free Airdrop copy?

That is one strategy. However, you need to be comfortable with the unknown price factors. We don’t know how long HEX on PulseChain will take to stabilise in value, or how low it will go before it starts to climb. There will be volatility, so you’ll need to be comfortable with it and decide whether you want to buy HEX now or wait until PulseChain launches and buy it then.

How To Buy HEX & PulseChain 

HEX (the Ethereum version of HEX, because PulseChain isn’t live yet) isn’t currently listed on any centralised exchanges. That may change in the future, but for now, you purchase it via Decentralisd exchanges (DEX). If you haven’t used a DEX before, I recommend having a coach guide you through it the first time.

In terms of buying PulseChain, you’ll have to wait until launch. Even those who initially sacrificed can’t access their investment until then. There has been talk of PulseChain being listed on exchanges, but nothing definite yet and no confirmation of which ones. It’s all a bit of a waiting game at the moment unfortunately!

So what can you do now? 

Have a look at TestNet, watch the tutorials in the membership section, read up about HEX and PulseChain online and book in time with your coach if you are serious about investing. Coaches will be incredibly busy once the launch happens, so it’s a good idea to get in now and have your plan ready.

This brings me to my last point.

What Happens To HEX On Ethereum When Pulsechain Launches?

PulseChain is not going to be the Ethereum killer. In fact, there’s plenty of room for both blockchains to coexist happily. Think of the crypto ecosystem as a busy highway and PulseChain is simply adding another lane to ease congestion (a super-express lane if you like!).

As for HEX stakes on Ethereum? 

They will all be duplicated over onto the PulseChain network. So, if you have stakes, you’ll have exact duplicates of ALL of your stakes on PulseChain. Remember, there is a large group of HEX investors who have 15-year stakes on Ethereum, so this in itself will preserve the HEX value on that chain.

As you can see, PulseChain is set to be one of the biggest events in the crypto space for quite some time. It’s exciting news for everyone and the opportunities, not just for HEX, but for new DeFi projects, are endless.

It’s a lot to take in, but the important thing is to not let the overwhelm destroy the opportunity. Learning about these technologies is a big learning curve, but once you’re over the hump, you’re way ahead of the game.

And that’s a great place to be.

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