Digital Wealth Group

Why Crypto is a Flight to Safety

Why Crypto is a Flight to Safety

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: The mess that is our current financial system.

It doesn’t take an economist to see that we’re skating on very thin ice.

Global uncertainty and political unrest

Financial institutions on the brink of collapse 

Threats of bank runs and the cost of living crisis

Small businesses suffering

The price of everything skyrocketing 

All while people’s wages largely stay the same. 

And then there’s the debt! 

If we look at the US, we can see that debt has been ballooning to unprecedented levels for years. In the 95 years between 1913 and 2008, $8.8 trillion worth of debt was created.

Since 2008, more than $22 trillion has been added.

The more debt is created, the more money is printed, flooding the economy so that interest rates soar, and the prices of groceries and everyday items spiral out of control. When governments do too much inflating, we end up with severely devalued currencies which is not just alarming, it’s completely unsustainable. In my opinion, it’s a runaway train and there’s nothing but a cataclysmic event that will stop it.

But here’s the thing. Crypto gives us a way out. It’s considered a flight to safety—despite its volatility.

You see, the legacy banking system has struggled with the same problems for decades, while in the relatively short time Bitcoin has been around, it’s only increased in value, utility and support—all without aggressive hyperinflation. The fragility of our legacy system has been exposed, and people no longer want to bear the brunt of something so broken.

When people get to the point of being fed up with the cost of living and centralised control, they look for an exit strategy. Crypto is the financial life raft, our ticket out of this global mess.

Many of the smartest economists, hedge fund managers and well-known financial figures are throwing their weight behind cryptocurrencies. They’ve begun to recognise it as a pivotal part of our economic future. I believe we’ll see millions of new users over the next few years because they’re sick of playing by someone else’s rules.

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