Digital Wealth Group

Why Comfort Can Ruin Your Crypto Experience

Why Comfort Can Ruin Your Crypto Experience

Many investors experiencing their first bull market become frozen when it’s time to take profits. They watch the numbers on their tracking app go up, but they don’t make the move to sell. Their portfolio can be going parabolic, but they ride it all the way back down without taking a dime.

Why on earth does this happen?!

Well, in my opinion, it all comes down to greed. (Yes, I said it)

But the greed is actually a coverup for something far more insidious. And that is fear.

We want more because we fear not having enough.

Believe it or not, when investors get rich quick without preparing themselves and their mindset, they can end up projecting lack and scarcity onto their crypto portfolio. They put a wall of negative beliefs between themselves and the big freedom opportunity sitting in front of them. In some regards there’s an unconscious comfort in seeing the numbers go back down. They return to the level of wealth they are used to.

When we’ve been conditioned for years to believe that wealth is out of reach, we can be distrustful of it when it arrives.

That’s why I encourage you to align your mindset with the crypto wealth you wish to create. Be motivated, be educated and know that this bull market is going to be an incredible experience that is unique to you. The bull market can bring us incredible gifts and opportunities we’ve never had before. But we absolutely must be ready to embrace them.

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