Digital Wealth Group

Key Takeaways from Episode 001: Create Your Master Vision Part 2

Key Takeaways from Episode 001: Create Your Master Vision Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the key takeaways from my recent Create Your Master Vision webinar!

In part 1 we covered:

1. How choosing our own timeline is all about free will
2. How we affirm our timeline constantly
3. How we have the ability (and the power) to change the timeline we’re on 

I hope you’re feeling empowered and ready to reflect on the rest of the takeaways from the webinar. Let’s jump straight in and learn more about how we can craft our own reality.

4. Everything is an offer (including the News)  

When mainstream media bombard us with distressing narratives, they’re actually presenting an offer. And it’s up to us whether we accept it.

Take Covid lockdowns for example. We were offered fear, chaos, disempowerment and loss of freedom. Many people accepted that offer without a second thought. But there are those who saw the offer for what it was, said ‘Not on my timeline’ and made an entirely different choice. They stopped paying attention to the hysteria being played out because that wasn’t the timeline they chose.

The truth is, the News relies on our consent. When we give that consent, we’re accepting that offer.

5. Knowing what we desire is far more powerful than leaving it to fate

We should always be asking ourselves what we desire and envision for our lives. When we have will and belief, coupled with ease and grace, we’ll find that life will co-create with us. And when that happens, it feels truly magical.

How do we know life is cocreating with us?

Because we’ll experience more joy, synchronicity, harmony and congruency. Our lives will reflect our desires back to us in a synchronistic flow.

6. The remedy for fear is recognising timelines

The key to personal empowerment is to stay out of fear and remember that YOU are the author of your reality. So when you feel yourself being drawn into fear-based narratives, remember that it’s simply an offer being presented. Ask yourself one simple question.

‘Is this on my timeline?’ 

If it’s not. You have a choice.

Reframing things in this way helps us see things more objectively and make more empowered and conscious choices. When we do this, we bring the power back where it’s always belonged. With us.

If these takeaways resonated, feel free to watch the replay of Episode 001, which is now live.

You can also subscribe and join me live for Episode 2 on Wednesday, 6th September, where I’ll be diving into another fascinating topic: The link between wealth and self-worth! It’s going to be great.

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