Digital Wealth Group

How To Research Crypto: The Big Questions You Should Be Asking

How To Research Crypto: The Big Questions You Should Be Asking

With so many crypto coins at hugely discounted prices, the opportunity for wealth building is enormous right now.

But where do you start?

How do you know what to invest in? And what questions should you be looking to answer before investing in a particular coin?

This is where doing your own research is so important.

One thing to remember is that coins = companies. And companies = people.

Behind every crypto coin is a team of people, a set of objectives and a timeline for their goals. It’s a good idea to research the people involved and keep up to date with those timelines as part of your investment choices.

Obviously, you should be looking at the company website and reading the whitepapers, but it’s also worth digging a little deeper too. Check Redddit forums, Facebook groups, YouTube or crypto news websites to get an idea of the hot topics and what’s being talked about.

Some questions to kick your research off would be:

  1. What is the utility of the coin or project and does it make sense?
  2. How will it redefine the crypto space or create value for people? (e.g. in DeFi you can stake to earn better interest than banks)
  3. What current industries or sectors is it promising to disrupt?
  4. Who is the team behind it? Do they have prior success in the crypto space and what have they achieved so far?
  5. Is the website presentable and polished?
  6. Is the whitepaper well written? Or filled with spelling and grammar mistakes?

Yes, it does take time and effort, but that’s also how you become a better crypto investor. You research, you learn and you build discernment over time.

And what better time is there than now?


Remember, the actions you take during this bear market will drastically change the way you feel in the next bull market. We have a wonderful opportunity right now, and I strongly encourage you to use it.

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