Digital Wealth Group

How to Beat Analysis Paralysis?

How to Beat Analysis Paralysis?

As investors, we can sometimes get caught up in a cycle of overanalysing the information. We scrutinise the market and try to time our entry with perfect precision. While it’s natural to want to make well-informed decisions, let’s not overthink ourselves out of the opportunity! This is where over-analysis can quickly turn into opportunity cost.

If this sounds familiar, and you’ve found yourself endlessly contemplating the best time to enter or add to your position, here’s my advice:

Having skin in the game is better than overthinking how you’ll get skin in the game! 

While we don’t endorse FOMO, we do encourage taking action and being proactive. When the market starts to fly, the last thing you want to be feeling is regret!

Remember, you don’t have to invest huge amounts into this market, particularly if you’re just starting out. In fact, I recommend you start small and let the market show you what it can do.

And in a bull market, you’ll receive feedback very quickly.

These are the conditions we wait years for, where the market will prove itself to you in real-time. This can give you the confidence, encouragement and motivation to allocate more. It’s a very satisfying journey, you just have to take the first step.

So if you’re sitting on the sidelines, I encourage you to set a goal this week to participate. Perhaps start with a small amount of crypto, store it in your wallet, get yourself a tracker app and discover what it feels like to be a crypto investor. As your portfolio starts to move, you’ll gain a firsthand understanding of why the crypto space is so exhilarating, and why so many of us keep coming back for more.

So enter a small position and acknowledge your place in the crypto community. Whether your investment goes up, down or sideways, the simple act of entering is going to be an eye-opening and very satisfying experience.

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