Digital Wealth Group

First Bull Market? Try this Money Mindset Technique

First Bull Market? Try this Money Mindset Technique

Have you ever heard the saying ‘Worrying is like paying interest on a debt you don’t owe’?

We can apply it to so many things in life (and in crypto!). I know many new investors approach their first bull market with a feeling of trepidation. The excitement is there, but so is the worry.

What if I do something wrong?

What if I don’t sell at the right time?  

What if I don’t know enough and I make a mistake?

While it’s natural to feel somewhat nervous about it all, I invite you to let the fears drop away. Here’s why:

The more we focus on the things we feel weak about in crypto, the more of that we’ll bring into our bull market experience.

As I’ve said before, a bull market amplifies everything it touches, including our money stories!

So how do we move past the fear and bring forward more of the abundance? We come back to a place of personal power by focusing on our strengths and remembering how far we’ve come in the journey.

For instance, there was once a time when you didn’t have a clue how to go about buying crypto, and now you have an investment portfolio, you know how to store crypto on a safe device where you own the private keys, and you’ve continued to educate yourself on this incredible asset class and opportunity.

Trust me, you are miles ahead of the average person!

To help you anchor onto the positivity of the bull market, here’s an exercise you might like to try:

Close your eyes and envision where you will be and how you’ll be feeling at the end of the bull market – let’s say mid-late 2025. What will you have learned, and what benefits have you gained? Do you feel grateful for the experience? Do you feel accomplished and proud for successfully and safely navigating a bull market? Write it all down and put it somewhere safe. If you need to come back to it, it will be there.

This visualisation is one that I personally do for myself. I release the fear and I trust that the bull market will be a wonderful experience.

Isn’t that a much better strategy than sitting in self-doubt and negativity?

If I can leave you with one more tip, it’s this: Trust that you will choose the best timing for your crypto actions. Trust your judgment, trust your education, trust your choice.

You’re right where you need to be, and you’ve got this.

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