Digital Wealth Group

Bitcoin’s supply shock: A game-changer you can’t ignore

Bitcoin’s supply shock: A game-changer you can’t ignore

Are you ready for the exponential growth phase that’s just around the corner?

This is something investors wait years for, and it’s coming fast!

But there’s one component of the crypto market that is particularly powerful, and it’s represented on this chart.

What this shows is the ever-increasing amount of capital heading into Bitcoin, which will then flow to other crypto assets. It’s a growing amount of money, trickling into a very finite supply.

Just how big of a deal is this?

Well, as we speak, 93% of Bitcoin has already been mined. And of that 93%, 20-30% hasn’t moved for years. In fact, we can safely assume that a lot of this Bitcoin is off the market for good, due to lost wallets or people holding for the very long term. This leaves only 7% of Bitcoin to be mined, with the last being mined in 2140. We also have halving events programmed into the Bitcoin code every 4 years, which slows down the rate at which new Bitcoin come into market.

All this adds up to one thing.

The perfect storm of conditions to set this market soaring!

When ever-increasing capital meets with decreasing supply, we’ll see a supply shock that will propel this market to unprecedented heights. I have no doubt we’ll witness growth like we’ve never seen before.

I’ve been saying for years that a supply shock is coming, and that institutions will want a piece of the pie.

Well, the institutions have arrived. And Wall Street’s greed will not be stopped.

As I’ve said many times, this is the closest thing we have to knowing the future.

So the question is, now that you know, will you take the opportunity in front of you? Will you position yourself for success this bull market?

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