What would you do if I told you that the mining of gold is about to suddenly be reduced by half, and that this was going to be 100% permanent?
But not only that… what if I then said that the mining of gold would continue to be halved every 4 years, for the next century?
Well, I can guarantee you right now that every man and woman would be doing whatever they could to get their hands on gold.
Just think about it…
If there was less gold getting mined, that means there would be less gold to buy, and at this rate, gold would quickly become the rarest asset on Earth, and be worth an absolute fortune.
Well, that’s exactly what’s happening, but not with gold, but with one of the most interesting, and probably the most important technological revolutions in computer science in the last 25 years.
Guys, I’m talking about Bitcoin…
In fact, the next few days Bitcoin will become equally as scarce as gold, and in the next 4 years, Bitcoin will become the scarcest asset on the planet.
Yet, people are not running out to buy Bitcoin, because the world has never experienced an asset class like this before.
Just think about that… a fraction of the world are only just beginning to see the true value of Bitcoin, now that the value of our currencies are crashing like we have never seen before, as governments print record amounts of new money, in order to save our economy.
So right as our currency supply is expanding, Bitcoin is contracting, and just like what we saw in 2019, Bitcoin will once again prove to be the best performing asset class as we are about to witness one of the biggest transfers of wealth in history.
So don’t hesitate for a second, subscribe today and let me explain everything you need to know about why this market is here to stay and how it is going to thrive in these current market conditions.
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