Digital Wealth Group

What’s Going On With Bitcoin Whales?

What’s Going On With Bitcoin Whales?

Today I want to talk about crypto whales!

If you’re not sure what a whale is, it’s a crypto investor who holds a very large supply of crypto in their wallet (thousands of Bitcoin, for example).

As all activity on the blockchain is public and transparent, you can see which wallets are whale wallets quite easily.

And let’s just say, I’ve been noticing some interesting activity from the Bitcoin whales lately….

In the last few months, almost 60,000 Bitcoin have been added to whale wallets.

Now, if the media and FUD narrative are to be believed, people should be running away from crypto as fast as they can. Yet here we have big whales who are buying up crypto like there’s no tomorrow?

Very interesting indeed!

Sometimes it’s wise to look past a narrative that is being heavily pushed, and just look at the facts. These whales have been in the market for a long time and experienced multiple market cycles. I find it very telling that they don’t seem to be listening to the FUD at all.

What do you think the whales know that we don’t?

Something to think about…

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