Michael Whitehorn

/ Coach

Originating from the UK, 30+ year veteran from Sales, Marketing and Finance background. With experience in the International high-tech electronics industry, semiconductor manufacturing and distribution, I.T. solutions, datacentres, Financial services – share market education and Cryptocurrency solutions.

First Got Into Crypto: In 2014 discovered bitcoin mining and set up a small mining farm in my workshop. Took that knowledge to then cooperate with a cloud and data centre company DC Two to establish crypto mining facilities and related solutions in Australia.

Favourite Film: The Matrix – Mainly because it’s probably a documentary really!!!

Favourite Food: Thai and Indian

Favourite Quote: You’re only supposed to blow the BL***Y doors off!!!

What I Do When Not a DWG Coach: 3 kids, dog and wife……..

Things You Didn’t Know: I used to race motor cars (too old now) and I used to hold Australian Government Security clearance up to SECRET, but I can’t tell you anymore about that.


I’ve attached a pic of me racing one of my cars….